Tuesday, August 28, 2018

    A little Honesty

Standing by your word, even if it hurts, is integrity.

Honesty is such a great quality to possess but also one of the hardest to maintain. It is a large part of being a person of good character. Unfortunately, it is disappearing in our society. Most people rather tell other people what they think they want to hear instead of the truth. Of course, this is easier, but it may mislead them and cause them more harm than good.  For example, a friend says, “Don't you think I deserve a raise?" 
You say, "Sure," even though you know they have not been a good employee and are on thin ice with the boss. Easier for you to make a nice statement but it's doomsday for your friend.

The problem is, instead of being labeled as a truthful person, when you're being honest to people, you are labeled as a mean person. Most people rather tell the small lie instead of the truth because its nicer, but is it?  

My daughter was asked recently by a boy who was interested in her "Is your dad nice?" she replied, "Um, well he's truthful." He found this to be very intimidating. I don't consider myself to be a mean person but I am told that I can be extremely intimidating, maybe being truthful is the root of this. I would much rather deal with a truthful person than a nice person.

When people are not honest with you because they are uncomfortable with an honest person, it's felt.  Then, when they ask questions that they seem to want an honest opinion about, how does one know how to answer? Do you want the truth or a lie? Why ask at all if you don't want to truth?

"Does this shirt look good on me?"
"Am I good driver?"  
"I always finish what I start, right?" 

I'm sure you have many of your own examples as well. Sometimes, you have to have some conviction and stand by your word even if the truth is not the nicest answer. A little honesty goes a long way and you'll be surprised how many people will turn to you to seek out the real truth because you're the only one in the world strong enough to deliver.


"Monkeys of Mumbai" 



 Ravana was the main villain in the unreleased
DreamWorks film "Monkeys of Mumbia". He
was based on a major demon from the Hindi
Religion. I worked on this project for more than
two years before they decided to cancel it. After two
years on a film you tend to have quite a few drawings.


Raj was the main character in the unreleased 
Dreamworks film "Monkeys Of Mumbai"

This is a draw over of a sketch I did while working 
on the film. I used my new technique on it.

This drawing has been sitting around for about ten
years, I did a draw over and added a background.
It is also done with my new technique. 


These were warm-up drawings, I did one morning
while working at Dreamworks. I usually do a few
warm-up drawings before I start working on actual
production work to loosen up. They generally are
not related to what I'm actually working on in 


Florida, Frogs, Turtles, and Alligators!


The middle child! 

Eden is super creative and very artsy!


The unseen drawings.

Bear exploration with a graphic twist. I never showed
this drawing because it really had no place in the film. 
I primarily drew it for myself.

 This drawing and the two that follow were sketches
I did of Queen Ellinor, the bear, and 
the three boys, who were originally turned into 
swans not bears, eluding Fergus the King. 

This is a draw-over of Merida and her shire horse
using my new technique.


These are sketches I did for bear fight. It's pen on 
a yellow pad. I was working out some ideas for the 
sequence, shot selection.


What can I say I just love drawing alligators!

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